Women, Religion and Spirituality in Asia by Sr. Mary John Mananzan, OSB
Published 2004 by Anvil and Institute of Women's Studies
ISBN 971-27-1495-0 (bp)
ISBN 971-27-1513-2 (np)
Book Design by Arnold R. Ramos
(click image for detail)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Introduction: My Story
A Personal Perspective
Chapter 2
The Asian Feminist Theology of Liberation: A Historical Perspective
Women in Asian World Religions
Chapter 3
Asian Women and Christianity
A Feminist Theological Perspective
Chapter 4
The Basics of Hinduism
Chapter 5
Women in Hinduism
Portraits and Issues
- Portrait One: Kali-Durga
- Portrait Two: Mirabai (1948-circa 1540)
- Contemporary Interview: Madhu Khanna
- Issue Focus: Dowry Deaths
Chapter 6
The Basic Teachings of Buddhism
Chapter 7
Women in Buddhism
Portraits and Issues
- Portrait One: Tara
- Portrait Two: Yeshe Tsogyal, Tibetan Tantric Music
- Contemporary Interview: Chatsumarn Kabilsingh
- Issue Focus: Women's Ordination in Theravada Buddhism (Sri Lanka and Thailand)
Chapter 8
Basic Tenets of Islam
Chapter 9
Women in Islam
Portraits and Issues
- Portrait One: Aisha Bint Abi Bakr Siddique
- Portrait Two: Rabi'a Al-'Adawiyya of Basra
- Contemporary Interview: Norani Othman
- Issue Focus: Polygamy in the Malaysian Context
Women in Non-World Religions in Asia
Chapter 10
Women in Confucianism
Chapter 11
Women in Indigenous Religions
Chapter 12
Women in New Religions of Japan: Tentrikyo
Chapter 13
Women in Folk Religions
Chapter 14
Summary, Appraisal, Conclusion

Women, Religion and Spirituality in Asia
Event in New York City:
A Roundtable Discussion with Sr. Mary John Mananzan, OSB
When:Thursday, November 10th, 6:30-8:30 pm
Barnard College, Held Auditorium (304 Barnard Hall)
3009 Broadway, btwn 116 & 120 Sts.
New York, New York
Take the uptown 1 train to 116 St / Columbia University. Exit on the west side of Broadway. Enter through the main gate. Barnard Hall is the building directly in front of you.
Hosted by: the volunteer publishers of NewFilipina.com
Entrance: $5
Come and join Sister MJM in a presentation and discussion about how the scriptures and writings of religions speak of women in Asia and what is the impact of institutional religions on these women. And also includes how women theologians are trying to change what is oppressive while enhancing that which contributes to the full humanity of women. Will also include some discussion on spiritual activism, decolonization and what babaylanism means to Filipino women leaders today. (Babaylan is the visayan word for the village priestess of Philippine pre-colonial times).
About Our Guest Speaker:
Sr. Mary John Mananzan, OSB is a Missionary Benedictine sister. She obtained her doctorate degree in Philosophy major in Linguistic Philosophy at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy and a degree in Missiology at the Wilhelmsuniversitaet in Muenster, Germany. Her involvement includes charting new paths in the academe and working with the masses especially the women. As a feminist-activist she has given birth to women-centered programs among them are the Institute of Women's Studies, Women Ecology and Wholeness Farm, and the Women Crisis Center.
She was the National Chairperson of GABRIELA, a broad alliance of women's organization for 18 years.(1986-2004) She is actively involved in developing a distinct Third World Theology and was the Executive Secretary and Treasurer of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) until September, 2001. She served for 5 years as the International Coordinator of the Women's Commision of EATWOT which developed a Feminist Theology of Liberation from the perspective of Third World women. She was President of St. Scholastica's College for 6 years (1996-2002) and has just been elected Prioress of the Missionary Benedictine Sisters in the Manila Priory.
Today, Sister is now the Mother Prioress, St. Scholastica's Priory, the Director of Institute of Women's Studies, St. Scholastica's College, Manila, Philippines, Lifetime Honorary Chairperson of GABRIELA, Philippines She was awarded the Dorothy Cadbury Fellowship in 1994 in Birmingham and Henry Luce Fellowship at the Union Theological Seminary in New York in 1995. She has just been granted a Fellowship as an Asian Public Intellectual of 2002 by the Nippon Foundation and undertook a research on Woman, Religion and Spirituality in Asia in four Asian countries. Her book entitled Woman, Religion and Spirituality was published by Anvil and was launched during the International Book Fair at the World Trade Center in Manila on August 15, 2004.
Perla Daly
Founder, NewFilipina, Inc., www.newfilipina.com
Chairwoman, FAWN2005, www.fawn2005.com
cel 203.770.7530, studio 860.350.2535
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